Our School
Message to Students and Families:
Welcome to our Link School and family! In December 2009, Link became the first International Baccalaureate (IB) World School in Rockland County and one of only nine in New York – to be authorized by the IB Organization to teach the Primary Years Program (PYP). During the 2017-18 school year, we engaged in our third Self-Study Review followed by an intense IB evaluation visit for reauthorization. I am honored to report that our school and school community received many commendations along with reauthorization.
The IB/PYP philosophy provides a framework for meeting the demands of educating our students for the challenges of the 21st century by supporting their growth as productive, insightful, responsible and compassionate citizens. It focuses on developing independent, knowledgeable, skilled learners through inquiry-based instruction that reflects a unique global perspective. The framework does not replace the NYS Standards nor the District's expectations. Instead, PYP extends and enriches the curriculum through a transdisciplinary model, World Language acquisition and the Learner Profile traits. The IB philosophy embodies our District’s vision and goals for all students.
As a staff, we recognize that authorization as a World School – while an honor and achievement – is not an end, but the beginning of our ongoing commitment – and responsibility – to educate and nurture the development of the “whole child.” Our mission is to meet the unique needs of our students, and motivate and enable them to be life-long learners and productive, ethical contributors to an ever-changing society.
In collaboration with our parents and community, we believe the IB philosophy, research-based practices, emphasis on structured inquiry, World Language acquisition and Learner Profile traits – which represent the qualities of internationalism – will successfully prepare all our students to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
Our community expects us to provide its students with the enriching educational experiences they so truly deserve. It is important that we work together towards that goal. We will need to guide, encourage and expect our children to develop responsible and respectful work habits. It is equally important to celebrate their efforts and achievements. I am confident that, as a school community, we will meet the responsibility and challenge of educating our children while keeping the joy of learning alive!
If you have not done so already, I encourage you to become a member of our PTA – a group of dedicated volunteers who support our children and school through the sharing of ideas and by providing many enriching, informative events and family-oriented functions.
I look forward to working collaboratively with you, the staff and the Link community to ensure that the school year provides all of our children with an exciting, enriching and successful learning experience!
Bell Schedule
The school day begins with all students in their seats ready to learn at 8am and dismiss at 2:35pm.